Stay in a one State Park or a National Park within that State.
Do one Adventurous thing in each State.

(Ex. Zip Lining, White Water Rafting, or hike a National Mountain, or any State famous adventurous activity.)

Do one GOOD Deed in each State.

(record all good deeds and place on our web-site & other means of social media-Stream Live or U Tube)

Visit one Family Owned Independent Restaurant in each State.

(Video tape the owner & Chief around the famous item on the menu, talk about why they have been successful and what are some challenges they face, how has GFS been a partner in their development and how can they improve in their services)

Bike or Hike in a well know Trail in each State

At the END keep a Daily State Dairy & Pictures/Videos of ALL the Activities and stream live when possible!! Create a Face Book page, & a Blog for people to follow.