1 Good Deed Journey

To offer or perform an act or deed of compassion, unconditional love...

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1 Good Deed Journey

Inspiring others to create the passion of practicing unconditional acts of love & kindness.

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1 Good Deed Journey

We simply want to share GOOD!

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The Good Deed Narrative

The 2025 1 Good Deed Journey will be a model of the meaning of a Good Deed, which is to offer or perform an act or deed of compassion, unconditional love, understanding, kindness, volunteering, help, listening to an individual or a community.

We all want to do GOOD-whether it’s for ourselves or our love ones, the planet, or society at large. No matter how big or small, good deeds carry a double punch-we make a positive impact, and feel great at the same time.


The vision of the Journey is to inspire each Small Town USA Community/City to build the framework to create the unconditional acts of love, kindness, and volunteering to make a positive impact within their Community.

“Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.”

5 Days = 1 Good Deeds in each of the Fifty States. Good Deeds will vary depending on the need of the Community.

John Larson One Good Deed Journey

Meet John Larson

John considers himself very blessed and it began with great parents Oscar & Rosemary Larson. They were great role models and inspired him to work hard for his goals. He is also a proud parent of two great kids his son Jon and his daughter Amy plus 5 wonderful grandchildren.

To offer or perform an act or deed of compassion, unconditional love, understanding, kindness, volunteering, help, listening to a family member, a person in your community or a person you meet during your day.

The Vision is to inspire others to create the passion of practicing unconditional acts of love, kindness in their everyday lives.